Massage Therapists

Joseph Benson


Joseph Benson's Massage Therapist knowledge starts from the University of Houston with a B. S. in Kinesiology Exercise Science, followed by certification and work as a Physical Therapy Technician and Licensed Massage Therapist in Texas.


Coming to California in 2017, Joseph continued his education/experience in Orange Co. & Los Angeles. Joseph being is a Wellness Advocate in the world of Massage.


He has been fortunate to work alongside a wide range of Preventative & Rehabilitative Medical Professionals to treat a variety of patient/client conditions.

Quote: Massage Therapists Listen with their Heart & Hands."

Michelle Chua


Born in the Philippines, Michelle Chua immigrated with her parents to Southern California at age five. As the oldest sibling by far, she was drawn to caregiving and teaching classes for her siblings, cousins and younger neighborhood friends from an early age. She would also get lost for hours playing and creating in nature. Her religious upbringing planted a deep connection to spirituality, which evolved in her adult years into daily meditation and loving relationship with Mother Earth.
Michelle devotes her energy to living and sharing practices that support peace, healing, thriving, inspired creativity and reverence for nature and pure love, which she believes is our innate nature.
After earning a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies and multi-subject teaching credentials, she followed her childhood dream of working as an elementary schoolteacher for over seven years in Los Angeles. Seeking to broaden her perspective and serve disadvantaged communities globally, she traveled abroad to teach as a volunteer with humanitarian organizations in Ghana, West Africa, and Costa Rica. During her time abroad and healing through life’s challenges and a dance injury, her personal Yoga practice became a refuge and impetus for awakening deep inner knowing. She was inspired to share the practice as a certified Yoga teacher.
Eventually, Michelle earned several Yoga Teacher Certifications, including one focused on Yoga Psychology, and began sharing Yoga full-time in 2010. The onset of the pandemic in 2020 spurred her long-time interest in energy healing, and she immersed in various practices, from pranic healing and Qi Gong to Reiki and indigenous modalities in the Peruvian Amazon. She has earned three degrees in Usui Reiki, including Master Practitioner, and is honored to be able to support others in their physical, mental-emotional and spiritual healing and thriving. Reiki invites the client into deep relaxation, which in turns empowers their innate nature, bringing healing and well-being into the areas most needed.

Quote: "World peace begins within."


Eva Fried


Eva is an integrative massage therapist with over 30 years of experience. The last several years she's had a very successful career in the high end spa and hotel industry, but wants to get back to her true calling which lies within the practice of integrative body work. Healing both body and mind.

She's trained in several modalities Eastern and Western, including Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point, bioenergetic & polarity, Reiki and sports and impact injury. She utilizes all modalities to tailor her sessions to each clients' specific needs. As someone who has experienced great healing from alternative therapies, she's made it her life's work to bring that same healing to others. 

Quote: "Breath is the key to life, the internal massage”


She believes her work and the practice of yoga go hand in hand. 


Shi Huang


Born and raised in the culturally rich city of Foshan, China, often referred to as the "buddha mountain," Shi embarked on a journey that eventually led him to becoming a passionate and skilled massage therapist in the United States.  At the age of 18, he left behind his familiar surroundings in Foshan and set forth to the United States with his family. As a first-generation immigrant with limited knowledge of American culture, He made the decision to enlist in the U.S. Army. This path not only provided him with an education in laboratory science but also instilled in him the values of education and resilience. 

After completing his military service, he made a shift in his career trajectory to become a massage therapist. His journey in the field of massage therapy began with a deep fascination for holistic well-being and the transformative power of touch. Shi honed his craft through rigorous training and hands-on experience, gaining expertise in a variety of massage techniques such as Swedish, deep tissue,  Thai, Acupressure, Lomi Lomi, Reiki, and trigger point therapy. With over 8 years of dedicated practice in the art of massage therapy, he’s committed to continued learning ensures that he provides clients with the most effective and personalized therapeutic experiences. His approach is centered on creating a tranquil and nurturing environment where clients can relax and heal.  

Quote: "The only real valuable thing is intuition.”


Yael Kutler

Yael's career as a massage therapist started 20+ years ago. Living in a remote village in the Himalayan of India, where Acupressure and Ayurvdic massage centers were literally in every corner, she started to experience the benefits of regular massages and very quickly become more passionate about natural healing & wholistic lifestyle.

Massage balanced and centered her so much that she decided this is something she likes to offer to effect and benefit others.

Yael has expertise in healing arts techniques and is certified as a practitioner of Acupuncture, Traditional Thai Reflexology,  Acupressure Massage, Thai Yoga Bodywork, and others.

She studied Traditional Chinese Medicine at ECAN International School of Acupuncture, India and received her Thai Healing Massage training from leniege of teachers at the Sunshine Network ,Lahu village in Northern Thailand.

Managing a massage centere in a beach resort in Sri lanka for 18 tourists seasons, she has been privileged to give  thousands of therapeutic treatments to visitors from all around the globe. 

 Her style of work is definitely on the deeper therapeutic side.

She prefers wholistic approach, integrating different traditions and techniques in her treatments.

Her sessions combining slow and gentle warming techniques, essential oils aroma touch, stretches, decompressing and pressing key Acupressure points and Energy Lines throughout the  body, Cupping Therapy and others. 

Quote: "Massage is  a mini healing retreat from a world that never stops.


Ted Parker

Ted was born in the state of New Mexico, USA and was raised in Los Angeles California. He has made a living doing clinical neuromuscular therapeutic massage in California and the far east for the past 16 years. 

Ted has extensive experience in outpatient clinical settings like urgent care, internal medicine, general surgery, ortho/podiatry, chiropracty and physical therapy acquired over a 17 year medical assisting career. Ted applies his knowledge of diagnostic reasoning and physical assessment to accurately identify the cause of the clients imbalances, dysfunctions and limitations, if any. 

He uses tried and true therapeutic techniques over a myofascial meridian road map to correct muscular tension imbalances like hip rotations, (uneven leg length), rib subluxations, (upper back pain radiating to neck, arm and back), straight neck (military/tech neck), twisted neck (wry neck) as well as all other aches and pain acquired by living ones life. 

Book with Ted to get relief from your nagging aches and pains. The longer you have had an imbalance the more sessions are required to achieve lasting relief. In a perfect world, 5 to 7 one hour treatments in rapid succession provide an overall positive transformation. Posture, gait, sleep  are all improved; head, neck and shoulders are balanced and even, hips and legs are balanced and scoliosis is reduced if not resolved, depending on the severity. The more frequent your sessions, the bigger your permanent gains. 

Quote: "Let it go!" 


Nazra Peterson


Nazra is an Energy Healer, Life Coach, Massage & Raindrop Therapist, in Los Angeles and surrounding areas. She began her mobile business practice in 2020, at the height of the pandemic.  Knowing how much people were still in desperate need for healing touch, she fearlessly walked into people's homes and led them into a beautiful holistic practice on touching, integrating breathwork, meditation, essential oils, CBD, and coconut oil.  

Nazra was raised in South Carolina, in a land far away from holistic organic food.  Starting out practicing massage on her mom who was always working two jobs, little did she know, she actually possessed a great healing gift in her energy and hands.  Psychology was her first passion and understanding why people are who they are, what makes them do the things that they do, led her to understanding the heart, mind and body connection.   A huge proponent of neuroscience, she has dedicated years of her life to listening to the likes of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Andrew Huberman and others  who can deepen her understanding.

Nazra's clients have  shared their countless experiences with her of emotional release, feeling like they were levitating, out of body experiences, flashbacks of past traumas where they could feel themselves healing trauma that was unknowingly stuck in the body, alleviating insomnia, overcoming feelings of sickness and increased mobility without the constant use of a cane. 

Quote:  "Self-care is not luxury--it's necessity, maintenance and reverence for this body that is responsible for carrying you throughout the rest of your life."


Lydia Roberts

Lydia has been immersed in the practice of yoga since early childhood. Born in Utah and raised in Colorado and Georgia by a mother who has taught yoga for over 20 years, she felt drawn to the practice at a young age. In 2019, she completed her first 200 hour teacher training at Sivananda  Ashram in the Bahamas. There, she deepened her understanding of the spiritual and philosophical aspects of yoga and fell in love with the way these ancient tools synthesized body, mind and spirit and brought her into a feeling of harmony.

Eager to expand her knowledge, she began bodywork training at the Costa Rica School of Massage Therapy in 2020. When the pandemic disrupted the program and halted the course, she called upon the equanimity she had cultivated in her practice to gather resilience and patiently wait until she could return and complete her certification in 2021.

Upon completion, Lydia moved to the sunny West Coast and took a job on Catalina Island as a massage therapist. She feels at home in the California sunshine and is fueled by the flow of fresh air,  moving water, bright days and the infinite possibility that daily yoga practice and self-care create in her life. Her greatest joy is to share the gifts of wellness with others. 

Quote: "As you think, so you become."  


Terry Solis

Terry has been practicing massage therapy for more than seven years. He received his education in massage therapy and a degree in occupational science at WellSpring School of Allied Health in Kansas City, MO. After gaining experience in his field, he went on to open a successful practice of five years where he received four nominations for “best massage therapist in Kansas City”. He later gave his practice to a trusted colleague in pursuit of greater professional and personal growth in LA.


As a practice, massage therapy has been the greatest work that Terry has done with his life. The ability to connect with people in such a vulnerable way has opened up many paths to healing for both his clients as well as himself. Terry is also a CrossFit coach, which created an opportunity to work with athletes from multiple backgrounds that were dealing with physical injuries both recent and from years prior. Through this, he has gained a lot of experience in pain management, injury prevention, myofascial release techniques, medical/ clinical based massage, and more. One of Terry’s greatest strengths is his intuition, and with that comes a natural affinity for energy work. Terry’s philosophy is, "massage therapy is more than a physical experience, it is mental and emotional as well".

Terry’s approach to each person that he gets to work with is to create a personal connection, check in on their mental and emotional wellbeing to see how that might be affecting their physical condition, and decompressing their sympathetic nervous system response to get them out of their “fight or flight” state and more into their bodies. It’s a nurturing blend of clinical and energy based massage for the sole purpose of healing.

Quote: “Vulnerability is essential for true healing.”
Mingyang Sun 

Ming was born and raised in China. He studied Tuina massage at Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China and majored in nursing at the Integrity College of Health in the United States. Proficient in traditional Chinese medicine meridian acupoints and western medicine anatomy.

He has been engaged in the massage industry for nearly 18 years and is proficient in various massage techniques. Good at dealing with various soft tissue injuries and chronic strain injuries. For example, periarthritis of the shoulder(frozen shoulder), tennis elbow, low back pain and knee pain, etc. He can also help relieve anxiety, depression and other symptoms through massage. For example, insomnia, migraine, chest tightness, etc., and some internal diseases have also improved to some extent.

He is also proficient in scratching, cupping and other alternative therapies. He hopes that these natural remedies can help people promote and improve their health.

Quote: "Nothing is more important than health."




PJ Terrazas


Born and raised in Los Angeles County, PJ developed a passion for sports and the science of the human body at a young age.  After playing competitive basketball his entire life until he graduated high school, he knew he wanted to pursue a career that would allow him to stay immersed in the world of fitness and human anatomy. This would drive PJ to pursue a degree in Kinesiology, which can be defined as the study of human body movement. 
In December 2019, PJ graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology, with an emphasis in Clinical Movement Science. Wanting to maximize his time learning in college, he graduated with a Magna Cum Laude distinction from California State University, Fullerton while also becoming a member of the Phi Kappa Phi national honor society. This educational background would serve as a perfect transition into a massage therapy career.
After considering going to a graduate program to become a physician assistant, PJ decided to become a massage therapist. He viewed his kinesiology degree as a huge advantage in a field that was centered on the human body, athletic performance and recovery. Now with over 2 years of experience as a massage therapist, including a position at one of the top day spas in Hollywood, he is eager to continue growing his practice at Shiva. Book with PJ for an anatomically specific bodywork experience that will correct range of motion issues and reduce tension from breaking down painful knots in the body.
Quote: "Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one."